Thursday, August 18, 2011

Family Camping San Clemente State Park

One of my favorite past-times is camping with the family.  This past week we scheduled some time together to celebrate our family, life and nature.
Packed and ready to go - everything else is in the van
The first day was spent traveling to our camp site at San Clemente State Park in Southern California.  Since we live less than an hour away the trip was short, but the packing long.  It's amazing how much equipment it takes to support eight people for three days!  Once we were loaded, off we went...

"Marshmallow Roast"
After setting up our tents, canopy, toys, etc., it was almost dinner time.  Casey prepared a great camp meal while Nana tended to the little ones.  Later in the evening was of course the ritual of the "Marshmallow Roast" and smores feast.  It's fun to watch the expressions on the children, wondering what is going through their young imaginations. Justin and Caitlen made a guest appearance each night after they got off work, making it special.  

Jared with Aiden, Caleb and Seth
The second day was dedicated to exploring the park and the beach.  Playing in the waves and building sand creations.  Jared spent time with each of the boys, taking them out into the waves to experience the power of the ocean in the safety of his control.  Each of the boys came back with stories of huge waves crashing on them and how fun it was.

Caleb and Grace playing in the sand
Family Hike
Later in the day after some restful naps by some, the boys rode their skateboards and razor scooters up and down  our site, only running into my truck only once.  The scar produced (on the truck) will be cherished for years to come.  We also went on a hike exploring new trails to the beach below.

During the evening we had a surprise visit from Janessa who came down to spend the last night with us after finishing her day at the office.  Her boys were so excited to see her.  Then she got up early the next morning to make it back to work.

Aiden and Seth - Brothers Forever
The final day we had time for one more short walk around the campground before it was of course, time to pack out.  It was short, but worth all the memories and enjoying God's creation. 

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